SimpleKore Build Tool

SimpleKore Build Tool

The SimpleKore Build Creator tool allows you to easily zip your build and delete all the unnecessary files from it. Allowing you to reduce the size of the build. It does all of that with a couple of clicks. The tool also gives you update notifications once an update is pushed out so you don't miss out on new features or bug fixes.

Click on the button below to download the tool. There will be instructions on how to use the tool further down if you need to learn more about it.

Note: When running the tool for the first time you might get a notification saying that the software might harm your PC or is from an untrusted publisher. This is completely normal, just hit Run anyways and you'll be good to go. Follow the steps below for more instructions.



Note: Version was used for the instructions. Screenshots of the tool might be different from the latest version you have installed. There will also be more features added in the future.

1- After downloading the tool place it on your desktop and click on it to run it for the first time.

2- If you get a warning click on More info

3- Then hit the Run anyway button.

4- Then a Message should appear saying Do you want to allow this app from an unknown publisher to make changes to your device? click Yes (This is to allow the tool to run in the administrator mode). After that, the tool will open. Click on the Browse button to choose a file where you want to save the zip file to.

5- In my case, I will be saving the zip file to my Desktop. Then a text box will appear under it asking you to name your zip file.

6- I choose to call it Build. You don't need to include the .zip extension. It's already added. Three check boxes will appear. Leaving them checked will delete all the unnecessary files inside your Build which will reduce the size of your zip file. Deleting the Packages, Thumbnails, and Database folders won't delete nor will it change anything inside your build. Before clicking the Create button make sure Kodi is closed.

7- The tool will start creating your zip file. Be patient! Loading time will depend on the size of your build.

8- When it's done a dialog box will appear with the file's saved location.

That's it! It's really simple to use and everything is self-explanatory.

If you run into any issues feel free to contact me.

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